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Basic Instrument Set (MErk PMS - Germany)

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Basic Instrument Set that we offer, namely with the following details :

Merk : PMS
Type : Various
Native Country : Germany
Price : Rp. 33.450.000
Disc : 15%
Registrasion Depkes : Yes

We offer the following specification :
1. POOLE aspiration tube 30 fr.
Product code : 04.130.10
2. POOLE aspiration tube 23 fr.
Product code : 04.140.08
3. Scalpel handle no.3
Product code : 06.103.00
4. Scalpel handle no.4
Product code : 06.104.00
5. Scalpel handle no. 4 L
Product code : 06.104.02
6. MAYO scissors straight 17.0 cm
Product code : 08.160.17
7. MAYO scissors curved 14.5 cm
Product code : 08.160.14
8. METZENBAUM scissors cvd. 15 cm
Product code : 08.281.15
9. METZENBAUM scissors cvd. 18 cm
Product code : 08.281.18
10. Forceps dressing 14.5 cm
Product code : 10.102.14
11. Forceps dressing 20.0 cm
Product code : 10.102.20
12. Forceps tissue 1x2 t. 14.5 cm
Product code : 10.120.14
13. Forceps tissue 1x2 t. 20.0 cm
Product code : 10.120.20
14. ADSON forceps serrated
Product code : 10.170.12
15. ADSON forceps 1x2 teeth
Product code : 10.180.12
16. HALSTED mosquito forceps
Product code : 12.221.12
17. KELLY Hemostatic forceps
Product code : 12.240.14
18. KELLY Hemostatic forceps
Product code : 12.241.14
19. ROCHESTER PEAN hemost. Forceps
Product code : 12.311.16
20. ROCHESTER PEAN hemost. Forceps
Product code : 12.311.18
21. ROCH. OCHSNER hemostat forceps
Product code : 12.320.16
22. BACKHAUS towel forceps
Product code : 14.111.13
23. FOERSTER swab forceps serrated
Product code : 16.170.25
24. US ARMY retractor double pair
Product code : 18.131.21
25. RICHARDSON retractor 36 x 28 mm
Product code : 18.150.02
26. RIBBON retractor 40 x 330 mm
Product code : 18.170.40
27. DEAVER retractor 25 x 360 mm
Product code : 18.187.25
28. VOLKMANN retract. 21.5 cm sharp
Product code : 18.280.02
29. BALFOUR abdominal retractor
Product code : 18.764.18
30. Probe buttoned with eye
Product code : 20.102.14
31. Grooved director
Product code : 20.110.14
32. OCHSNER trocar thorax 20 Fr
Product code : 22.150.20
33. CRILE WOOD needleholder 15 cm
Product code : 24.160.15
34. MAYO HEGAR needleholder
Product code : 24.180.18
35. DESCHAMPS needle sharp right
Product code : 26.110.21
36. DESCHAMPS needle sharp left
Product code : 26.111.21
37. ALLIS tissue forceps 15 cm 4 x 5t
Product code : 64.110.15
38. BABCOCK seizing forceps 18 cm
Product code : 64.160.18

The specifications that we offer is not binding, Users can add or reduce the specifications that we offer. from different units
For More Info Please Go Complete ; Contact Person

READ MORE - Basic Instrument Set (MErk PMS - Germany)

World Competition Health Equipment

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World Development Medical Devices from year to year increase.
Competition is also increasing, starting on lots of company in the emerging field of medical devices.
All due to the increased needs of the market, increasing demand for Medical Devices of all because many emerging new hospitals or health centers, but other than that, the budget each year is also always there, whether it be from government funds, local budget or from the hospital itself.

In addition to competition so much, it turns out to any provision of tools so competitive, not all can enter Medical Devices for Hospitals, in particular for the Procurement of Goods and Services system.
Parties from the Hospital will be more competitive products offered by the Distributor.
The manufacturer, description will be obliged to provide goods offered, the most special is about a permit from the health department itself, the provider of goods must have a valid permit from the health department, as well as attachments Certificat of Autorizion if the products offered have a license outside the state .

For the system of procurement of goods and services, is now party - the party of the Hospital or the conduct procurement, many use the Online System, already starting from year 2009 till now, many of the institutions which conduct procurement agencies Online via LPSE LPSE which has spread across the world Internet. The earlier one uses this online system is from LPSE west Java, and following the LPSE Depok, and probably will emerge who are ready to LPSE LPSE entered through the Goods and Services Online.
LPSE itself is the Electronic Procurement Services for all kinds of goods and services procurement.

For procurement online, is actually quite cost-saving and energy, but for now this might still not entirely Online, Online Spring system is still wearing, where special registration and downloads and announcements delivered via LPSE the auction. and to inclusion still had to come and watch instantly.
In addition to many benefits gained from these Online Procurement, Procurement Online also too time-consuming, we are required to enter the Document - Document By LPSE it, why it takes time, because we are required to copy all documents completeness, afterwards incorporated into LPSE serve targeted.
we might as well double the work.

Maybe that's a little excerpt from the will of Technology Progress,
and for PT. AJiagung itself will always be correct for the better in offering and providing services to the needs of consumers.
For now we still offer our excellent products, ie goods - goods that have a quality instrument and guaranteed quality that has been well received certificates and practically guarantee a Lifetime Warranty.

Go forward, particularly the World Health Hearing Health.
Warm greetings from us.
PT. Ajiagung lAnggeng Abadi

READ MORE - World Competition Health Equipment

Vena Sectio INstrument Set (Merk PMS - germany)

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Vena Sectio Instrument Set that we offer, namely with the following details :

Merk : PMS
Type : Various
Native Country : Germany
Price : Rp. 6.349.000
Disc : 15%

We offer the following specification :
1. Scalpel handle No. 3
Product Code : 06.103.00
2. Scalpel blade steril fig. 15
Product code : 06.115.00
3. scissors, sh/sh str 11,5cm
Product code : 08.120.11
4. forceps dressing 13,0 cm
Product code : 10.102.13
5. forceps tissue 1x2t.13,0cm
Product code : 10.120.13
6. Forceps tissue 1x2t,14,5 cm
Product code : 10.120.14
7. HALSTED mosquito forceps
Product code : 12.221.12
8. VOLKMANN retrac.21,5 cm blunt
Product code : 18.281.01
9. KOCHER retractor 19 cm 19x12 mm
Product code : 19.332.19
10. MAYO HEGAR needleholder
Product code : 24.180.16
11. KRONECKER needle 13 cm right
Product code : 26.130.13

The specifications that we offer is not binding, Users can add or reduce the specifications that we offer.
For More Info Please Go Complete ; Contact Person
READ MORE - Vena Sectio INstrument Set (Merk PMS - germany)

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About Us

Depok, West Java, Indonesia
PT. Ajiagung Langgeng Abadi is a company engaged in the medical equipment supplier, For hospital, clinic, or private. Available stock of goods or indent. Contact : (Mr. Suratman) ; 0857-19098503 Office : 021 - 7706055 Fax : 021 - 7705940 Email

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